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Healthy Joints Program
The Healthy Joints Program is for the people of all ages who want to increase joint mobility, reduce pain sensitivity, to cope with the chronic diseases of the spine and joints, and to speed up the recovery process after the joint injuries.
Besides being a big discomfort, quite often the joint pain is the indication of the inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
The Healthy Joints Program provides a comprehensive approach to the problem areas, helps to reduce pain symptoms and inflammation as well as to improve the movement ability. This program is especially recommended for elderly people prone to the increased risk of joint discomfort.
The Healthy Joints Program Goals are to reduce the severity of chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system, to increase joint mobility, to strengthen the muscle corset and to speed up the recovery process after the joint injuries. . Give your joints the care they deserve with Smile Spiral.
The Healthy Joints Program Includes:
Consultation (analysis of the general physical condition)
Acupuncture/Su Jok/Ear Acupuncture
Moxibustion/Cupping /Light Therapy
Unit Massage
Therapeutic Exercise (Group Session)
Dietary Recommendations
Monday – Friday From 9am to 12pm
Duration of each session 40 minutes
Therapeutic exercise every Monday 7pm-8pm
Set of 10 sessions
Set of 20 sessions